EnAble ALL


Please join global, mission-driven and social enterprise members in the launch of the EnAble ALL Web2 and Web3 games for positive social & environmental engagement.

EnAble ALL allows companies, brands, universities, consumers, employees, students, NGOs, foundations and others to publish positive social & environmental missions within the EnAble ALL Game app to incentivize positive action within their communities.  Mission driven organizations and people are our Mission Champions.  And, consumers, employees, students, seniors…everyone, can become an EnAble ALL Hero through your actions

Positive actions in our global community deserve rewards! EnAble ALL Missions Champions post challenges to complete in the community, and our EnAble All Heroes earn rewards for completing missions.  Points on Web2 game are currently available and coming soon are tokens on our Web3 version of the game.  Participating companies are welcome to become member organizations of EnAble ALL and link our points and token towards with their loyalty program to grow the global base of positive actions.

Ready to engage in positive global actions for our planet, people and animals — create and complete a mission on EnAble ALL!

Your first EnAble ALL mission is to click to download the EnAble ALL app, and then start with actions for positive change.

Next Steps

Once you’ve downloaded the EnAble All app, here’s how to get started playing or setting up a mission for your own organization.

Registration — Register as an Organization / Mission Champion or User / EnAble ALL Hero to begin your journey on EnAble ALL.  

- Your registration is through our partner Invennium which allows single sign for Web2 and Web3 experiences within EnAble ALL

- Organizations / Mission Champions should be sure to insert your logo so that EnAble ALL Heroes can find you and click to Support and become a Fan

Affiliations & Missions — Designate the areas of global sustainability within the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals framework that are most important to you or your organization.  Select one or more organizations that you want to follow.

EnAble ALL will track your efforts across all the SDGs and, within each SDG, you’ll be able to specifically identify the Targets and Actions on which you’re most focused.  

EnAble ALL Game Layout — Within the EnAble ALL Game you’ll see the following screens at the bottom of the screen from left to right:

1) Missions

2) Dashboard

3) Leaderboard

4) Account

Read on for more detail on how to play the EnAble All game and either create missions as Champion or complete missions as a Hero

I. Missions

Click on the Clipboard/Task icon on the lower left of the screen to enter the Mission List.

Create a Mission: When you are in the Mission section of app (lower left Clipboard Icon to enter), click on the highlighted (+Create Mission) on the upper left.  This will take you to the ‘Create Mission’ screen.  A Mission Champion or EnAble Hero provides the details for the mission to be created. Details of Mission Type, Mission Name, Mission Summary, Mission Description, SDG Category, Location, Mission Deadline, Number of Participants and Points are describe by the Champion or Hero creating the mission. These details are important for tracking your accomplishments as both a Mission Champion (creating missions) and EnAble ALL Hero ('agent for change' that is completing missions). 

Champion & Hero Toggle: The upper right toggle allows a viewer to switch between Champion and Hero mode.  Organizations and individuals can be both Champions & Heroes, and the toggle allows you to set the mode for actions.

Share your Missions & Accomplishments:  A share feature for social media is coming soon!  For now, a mission request can be easily shared with the summary of final mission details and a simple screen shot posted on social media.

Track your missions and accomplishments:

Available Missions

All the available missions that Mission Champions have created are visible in the Available tab. Browse these to decide which you’d like to commit to pursue.

In-Progress Missions

The In-Progress tab shows those missions you’ve selected to accepted to pursue from the Available tab. This allows organizations and members to have specific details of their actions and accomplishments within EnAble ALL. A running list of actions will be available to illustrate details of all your actions as a Mission Champion and EnAble ALL Hero

Completed Missions

The Completed tab provides a record of the missions you’ve completed and shows you the points you’ve earned in doing so.

How many missions can I create?  Each new Mission Champion and EnAble ALL Hero is provided 100 points and 10 missions.  You can earn points for future mission creations through your actions.  And, for those organizations and individuals that are contributing to mission driven organizations and purchasing through our shop page (exclusively and directly with our mission partners & affiliates) can acquire additional points to allocate in future missions.


II. Dashboard

Click on the Home Icon (second from left) in lower section of the screen to enter the Dashboard.  The Dashboard illustrates overall actions by members on the site at the top.  Scroll down to look at actions within each specific SDG.

III. Leaderboard

Click on the Podium Icon (second from right) in the lower section of the screen to enter the Leaderboard.

The Leaderboard illustrates top activity by both Mission Champions and EnAble ALL Heroes. The top of the screen provides overall leaders, and by scrolling down and clicking on an SDG you can see details by SDG. Heroes are EnAble ALL members that are accepting missions and taking actions in the community to earn points. Mission Champions are companies, organizations, NGOs, universities, individuals and dual Champion & Hero that are making donations, purchasing items on the shop page, advertising partners, etc that have acquired points to allocate to users that are taking actions to accomplish missions.

EnAble ALL Shop Page: Mission Champions and EnAble ALL Hero can login to our Shop Page that highlights all of the EnAble All affiliated organizations, charities, foundations, etc that are using the EnAble ALL Game platform to incentivize positive social actions. Actions on the EnAble ALL Shop Page provide groups with additional points to allocate to EnAble ALL Heroes that are taking positive actions in the community and environment. 

Web3 Version & Tokens: We are completing our white paper for EnAble ALL token economics for the Web3 version of EnAble ALL.  We will have separate leaderboards for the Web2 points and Web3 tokens.  We would like to create an environment in which every company, university, organization, consumer, employee, student, senior … everyone! can enjoy our platform and assist in advancing positive social & environmental causes.

Share: Please forward the EnAble ALL app to your colleagues and friends so that we can receive collective feedback on our game of engagement.  You will receive points on the game for sharing your feedback to support our launch!

Feedback: Please share your feedback and suggestions on the EnAble ALL game at the email below.